
Showing posts from 2018

My Reflection on Unit 5 (Promoting Writing in the Primary Grades) & Unit 6 (Designing Writing Assessments and Assignments for the Primary Grades

Writing is a great way to express thought. Many students in the primary schools become discouraged with the writing process. Teachers can promote writing through various writing activities such as, delightful descriptions or voice of the minute. These activities can aid children in developing their own voice and become more detailed in describing or explaining something. Teachers can also promote writing through the use of technologies such as videos, audio or online graphic organizers, to emphasize on what was learnt. Also when assessing student In writing, I have learnt that it is best that teachers are fair, provide an appropriate rubric designed to include different types of learning abilities, as well as engage in a discussion with the student about what is happening.

My Reflection on Unit 4

In every genre of writing there are various styles, there is a purpose, an audience and teaching/learning activities. A story, expository and a descriptive piece, poetry, a letter and a journal, can either be frozen, formal, consultive, casual or intimate. I too have had to create each genre of writing and I did so to either entertain, inform/educate, describe/clarify and to keep records. I welcomed this experience and i enjoyed writing them. Whatever the purpose is, each genre of writing requires skills, a plan, practice and an appropriate use of words, phrases and sentence structure. The audience for each genre can include; adult, children, teenagers, businesses, parents, teachers or a general audience. However the audience for pieces I wrote included primary school students up to grade 6.

My Reflection on Unit 3- Teaching Writing and the Reading Writing Connection

In this unit we looked at factors to consider and include when writing a personal narrative. So far I have learnt that a personal narrative or story should include a purpose, whether you are entertaining, inspiring or teaching a lesson. You must set a target audience, which could be your students, a mature audience or your piers. The personal narrative must be told in the 1st person and contain dialogue which makes it easy for readers to follow along. The dialogue can either be creole or standard english. Moreover, in every story there needs to be a setting, characters and a plot. The setting refers to the time and place of the story, where as the plot should include a conflict or problem, rising action and a resolution. The characters also plays an important role where it provides more depth to the story. My classmates and I also had to create a personal narrative based on a experience as a child. I love writing stories, it gives me a chance to be creative, use my imagination ...

Reflection on Unit 5 (Promoting Writing in the Primary Grades) & Unit 6 (Designing Writing Assessments and Assignments for the Primary Grades) by Matrisha Williams

Its a pleasure to be back here again to share what I have learnt with you! I learnt that each type of writing severs a different purpose, audience and genre. It should be the teachers aim to transform the primary classrooms into safe havens for writing. Writing can be promoted by self- expressions and communication as well as a source of pleasure and relaxation. There are different types of genre of writing which serve different purpose. Expository- this piece of writing is done for children to collect and synthesize information for informative writing. Children use the informational writing to give directions, sequence steps, compare one thing to another ; explain causes and effects or describing problem solution. Persuasive-  the purpose of this genre of writing is to win someone to your viewpoint or cause. Children present their position clearly then support it with examples and evidence. Narrative- the purpose of narrative writing to let children retell fami...

Reflection on Unit 3- ( Teaching Writing and the Reading- Writing Connection) & Unit 4 ( Developing a Philosophy of Writing for Teaching) By Matrisha Williams

For unit 3 we focused on the connection of how reading and writing are linked. There are several purposes for writing such as to inform, entertain, report, advertise, promote, persuade and educate. However, we have different audiences that we cater to because some pieces of writing may not be suitable for certain age level, the purpose for the writings may not be appropriate to the audience to understand, etc. We write to target the general audience, adults, parents, teachers, teens, pre teens, children and infants. The purpose and audience determines the complexity of content, language, format or type of writing. In the classroom several different activities can be done to determine what pieces of writing can be done and which type of audience to target. I as the teacher can persuasive writing for the day and the students can choose their own topic and write a persuasive piece to target different audiences. However everyone topic will not be the same because of the ...

My Reflection on Unit 5 & 6: Promoting Writing in the Grades - Approaches and Activities & Designing Writing Assessments and Assignments for the Primary Grades

In promoting writing in the primary grades by focusing on approaches and activities which can be used to transform classroom in the primary grades into safe havens for writing. We as teachers can promote writing among students as a means of self-expression and communication as well as as a source of pleasure and relaxation. Teachers need to teach writing every day and track students writing progress using journals, portfolios, writing pleasure and assessments. With each genre there is a purpose to teaching writing to students: The purpose for writing descriptive - children become careful observers and choose precise language when they use description. They take notice of sensory details and learn to make comparisons (metaphors and similes) in order to make their writing more powerful. The purpose for expository  writing - Children collect and synthesize information for informative writing. This writing is objective and reports are the most common type of informative writ...

My Reflection on Unit 3 & 4: Teaching Writing and the Reading-Writing Connection & Developing a Philosophy of Writing for Teaching

There are different purposes for writing. We write to entertain, inform, educate, report, advertise, persuade. While we write for different purposes we also cater for different audiences. Our audiences can range from general audience to adults to infants as young as in kindergarten. The purpose and audience will determine the complexity of the content, language and format or type of writing.  As a teacher I should be able to introduce different learning activities for each genre to help my students learn. Each activity should be fun and engaging to help maintain students interest. Even in the smaller grades students can learn how to write the different genres according to their grade level.  My Philosophy of Teaching Writing As a teacher, I think that students learn through everyday play and exploration in a safe and stimulating environment. Time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting helps students learn the skills he needs for life, like communicati...

Reflection on Unit 2- (Writing as a Stage, Process and a Trait By Matrisha Williams)

For the week as a class we looked at writing as a Stage, Process and a Trait.   There are four stages of writing with Emergent Stage being the first stage, this is where scribbling, tracing, drawing and letter like form takes place by the students. The second stage is Early Stage where random letters or string of letters, writing via invented spelling correct spelling and elaborate more ideas is written by the students. The third stage is Transitional Stage where students honing in their spelling skills, spell words correctly, use a variety of strategies to spell more difficult words, writing in more genres, developing ideas and organization and greater control over capitalization and punctuations. The fourth stage is Fluent Stage in this stage students have greater control over this spelling, their ideas, developing wider genres and organisation. They are able to critique their own writing and that of others, developing or elaborating their own voice. ...

Reflection on Unit 2- Writing as a Stage, a Process and a Trait by Martina Humphreys

Everything in life progresses through stages and each stage is just as important as the next. Over the course of two class sessions, we learnt about writing as a stage. These stages include: 1. Emergent Stage 2. Early stage 3. Transitional stage 4. Fluent stage From my experience as a teacher,the transitional stage can be the most difficult. In this stage students will use a variety of strategies to spell more difficult words, writing in more genres, greater control over capitalization & punctuation, as well as developing their ideas & organization.Whew! That sounds like a lot, however once students are guided through the process, the stages can be manageable or even perfected after constant practice. The processes include; prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. There are also characteristics or traits in writing which are; ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation. Among the traits, the voice stood out the...

Digital Storytelling

Click the attachment below to view the digital story tellling.. Sit back, relax and enjoy!!!

My Reflection on Unit 2: Writing as a Stage, a Process and a Trait by Kimberly

In this unit I learnt that there are different stages, process and trait of writing. The four stages of writing are emergent, early, transitional and fluent. The emergent stage is when students are scribbling, tracing, drawing and forming letter -like. In the emergent stage, students are developing fine motor skills, writing within lines, developing speech, explain orally, big book reading, story telling - shared reading, etc. At the early stage, students are writing random letters or string  of letters and writing via invented spelling. In the transitional stage, students are horning spelling skills, spelling words correctly, use a variety of strategies to spell more difficult words,  writing in more genres and greater control over capitalization and punctuation. At fluent stage, students are  doing conventional spelling, greater control over their ideas, organization and critique their own writing and that of others. The five process of writing are: 1. Pre...

Trends in teaching Writing by.....Martina Humphreys

via GIPHY During the course of 3 weeks,I embarked on a journey to learn more about, Strategies in teaching Writing. Among the 25 strategies, Gallery Walk was one of the strategies that stood out the most to me and one that I will definitely use in the classroom. A gallery walk is used to provide students with a hands on experience to learn more about a topic, through the use of objects, pictures or both. via GIPHY Some students may not be able to identify with what is being taught to them due to lack of life experiences. Moreover, a gallery walk allows students to observe and become involved in what is happening around them during a lesson. However there were many challenges brought to my attention after learning about the strategies, but one in particular peeked my interest the most. Writing requires simultaneous coordination of a variety of skills.For example, it requires phonics, grammer, organizing ideas, etc, all at the same time. In my observation as a teacher, many ...

Reflection on Unit 1- (Trends & Challenges in Teaching Writing By Matrisha Williams)

Hello There!!!! We often many times wonder why is it that our students struggle in their writing. We often see that students lack knowledge of information so it affects their writing skills. However, I have been introduced to a solution to the problem. There are 25 wonderful trends of writing that teachers can use to minimize the challenges that students experience in their writing. These activities are not giving alone but also challenges of writing are included so the teacher can become more competent in what areas students are having issues with. This information also assists a new Language Arts teacher. Being exposed to these strategies such as time to write, regular responses to writing, think aloud, writing to start class, sentence combining, gallery walk, digital story telling, summarization, grammar instruction, maintaining a collection of writing to create a portrait of students writing history, teaching writing explicitly (Gradual Rel...

My Reflection on Unit 1 - Trends and Challenges in Teaching Writing by Kimberly

                   There are twenty-five (25) trends of teaching writing. Trends are strategies that are used in the classroom to help students in their writing process. I believe that teaching these trends are important to use in the classroom because they help students to develop their writing skills, also developing a love for writing. I can see myself using these trends in the classroom but there are three (3) trends that stood out the most to me, Teaching Writing Explicitly (Gradual Release of Responsibility Model), Gallery Walk and Digital Storytelling.             Teaching Writing Explicitly (Gradual Release of Responsibility Model) is explained in terms of the roles of the teacher and the students assume throughout instruction: I do (you watch); we do it (together); you do (I observe and assist); you do (I assess). This trend utilizes the gradual release of respons...