
Showing posts from September, 2018

Trends in teaching Writing by.....Martina Humphreys

via GIPHY During the course of 3 weeks,I embarked on a journey to learn more about, Strategies in teaching Writing. Among the 25 strategies, Gallery Walk was one of the strategies that stood out the most to me and one that I will definitely use in the classroom. A gallery walk is used to provide students with a hands on experience to learn more about a topic, through the use of objects, pictures or both. via GIPHY Some students may not be able to identify with what is being taught to them due to lack of life experiences. Moreover, a gallery walk allows students to observe and become involved in what is happening around them during a lesson. However there were many challenges brought to my attention after learning about the strategies, but one in particular peeked my interest the most. Writing requires simultaneous coordination of a variety of skills.For example, it requires phonics, grammer, organizing ideas, etc, all at the same time. In my observation as a teacher, many ...

Reflection on Unit 1- (Trends & Challenges in Teaching Writing By Matrisha Williams)

Hello There!!!! We often many times wonder why is it that our students struggle in their writing. We often see that students lack knowledge of information so it affects their writing skills. However, I have been introduced to a solution to the problem. There are 25 wonderful trends of writing that teachers can use to minimize the challenges that students experience in their writing. These activities are not giving alone but also challenges of writing are included so the teacher can become more competent in what areas students are having issues with. This information also assists a new Language Arts teacher. Being exposed to these strategies such as time to write, regular responses to writing, think aloud, writing to start class, sentence combining, gallery walk, digital story telling, summarization, grammar instruction, maintaining a collection of writing to create a portrait of students writing history, teaching writing explicitly (Gradual Rel...

My Reflection on Unit 1 - Trends and Challenges in Teaching Writing by Kimberly

                   There are twenty-five (25) trends of teaching writing. Trends are strategies that are used in the classroom to help students in their writing process. I believe that teaching these trends are important to use in the classroom because they help students to develop their writing skills, also developing a love for writing. I can see myself using these trends in the classroom but there are three (3) trends that stood out the most to me, Teaching Writing Explicitly (Gradual Release of Responsibility Model), Gallery Walk and Digital Storytelling.             Teaching Writing Explicitly (Gradual Release of Responsibility Model) is explained in terms of the roles of the teacher and the students assume throughout instruction: I do (you watch); we do it (together); you do (I observe and assist); you do (I assess). This trend utilizes the gradual release of respons...